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Chicken Cheese Balls


Chicken Cheese Balls

2      Boneless chicken breast pieces
1      Slice bread
2-3   Eggs, beaten
1       Cup water
1/2    Cup cheddar cheese
1/2    Packet tetra pack cream
         Bread crumbs, as required
1       Tsp ginger and garlic paste
1       Tbsp soya sauce
1/2    Tsp black pepper
1/2    Tsp mustard powder
         Salt to taste
4       Tbsp mayonnaise
         Finely chopped coriander leaves
         Spring onions, as required

Boil the boneless chicken breasts with water, ginger/garlic paste, salt, pepper, mustard and soya sauce till water dries, cool and shred finely the chicken pieces. Mix shredded chicken with mayonnaise, cream, cheddar cheese, coriander leaves and spring onion leaves. Wet slice of small bread in water, remove water well by squeezing between your palms. Add the crushed bread slice in the mixture and make balls. Dip in beaten eggs, roll in breadcrumbs and fry till the color turns golden brown.

Crunchy Chicken Burger

2       Chicken breast pieces, minced
         Salt to taste
1/2    Tsp black pepper
1/2    Tsp mustard powder
1       Tbsp vinegar
1       Eggs, beaten
2       Tbsp milk
2       Tbsp bread crumbs
2       Burger buns
2       Lettuce leaves
4       Slices tomato
4       slices cucumber
         honey and mustard sauce, as required thousand Island dressing, as required
         A little butter

Add salt, mustard, pepper and vinegar in mince. Make burger patties and coat in beaten egg and milk mixture, then roll in crumbs and deep fry in frying pan. Toast the buns in butter, spread honey and mustard sauce on the buns, and put lettuce, patties, tomato and cucumber slices, and top with Thousand Osland dressing. Then cover with bun and serve with fries.

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